1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Sherianna Boyle, Janet Sherlund, Fernando Luis Alvarez, & Dr. John Hillen will SHAKE IT OFF WITH MERT & LUCAS, LIVE! — Sunday, Feb 23, 7-9 PM (ET).
Sherianna — a best-selling author — blends psychology, energy healing, and spiritual approaches to help people achieve emotional freedom and well-being. Her latest work, “ Just Ask Spirit,” explores the connection between emotions and spirituality and equips readers with tools and techniques to better connect with their spiritual selves.
Janet is the author of “ Abandoned at Birth,” a memoir which delves into the complex emotions and challenges faced by adoptees and their families. She shares her personal experience of being given up for adoption at birth and how it impacted her life, raising awareness about adoptees’ feelings of loss, grief, and the search for belonging.
Fernando — an artist, activist, and philanthropist — is the founder of the Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery, which focuses on building artists’ careers and fostering community engagement through art. He’ll tell us about “Hug for Unity,” his latest project.
John — an accomplished CEO, Board Chairman, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, and an award-winning professor — has helped shape leaders and organizations for decades. His latest book, “The Strategy Dialogues,” explores the complexities of business strategy and delves into the art of strategic thinking.
Hear Sherianna, Janet, Fernando, John, and the entire SHAKE IT OFF team, LIVE — on Sunday, Feb 23 — 7-9 PM (ET) on AM970 radio (in the New York Tri-State area), or listen here: https://shakeitofflive.com/
Should you miss the live program, catch us 24/7 on your favorite “podcatcher” — including, Amazon, Apple, iHeart, Spotify, and YouTube.
We’ll heal all that irks you. Or, we’ll just irk you a heck of a lot more!

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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara

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