With 2,400 American couples getting divorced every day, Ziba Graham — a respected marriage and family counselor — will talk about how couples can address their issues from the comfort of their own homes, and will share some pointers from his new book, FIX YOUR MARRIAGE WITHOUT COUNSELING.
Some 48.5 million Americans — aged 12 and older — are reported to have struggled with substance abuse in the past year alone. In her new book, SOMEDAY I WILL NOT BE ASHAMED, Lori Lynne Armstrong — a self-described “scientist, writer, mental patient, and drug addict” — humanizes the face of substance abuse and mental illness and offers a lifeline to anyone struggling with self-acceptance.
If you’re looking for a frank, open, and honest discussion about these and other hot-button issues of the day, join Ziba, Lori Lynne, and the entire Shake It Off team this evening from 7-9 PM (Eastern) on AM 970: The Answer.
You can listen to our live broadcast here; https://am970theanswer.com/radioshow/shake-it-off-with-mert-lucas-live
And if you miss the show, catch us 24/7 on your favorite podcast streaming service, like Amazon, Apple, iHeart, and Spotify.
We’ll heal all that irks you. (Or… we’ll just irk you some more!)

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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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