On Sunday, December 1, 2024, Dr. IAN PALMER and Drs. BARBARA & MICHAEL GROSSMAN will be our special guests on the next episode of SHAKE IT OFF WITH MERT & LUCAS, LIVE!
Worried about climate change? So are oil and gas companies, who are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact without compromising their bottom lines. In his new book, “How Oil and Gas Companies are Pivoting Toward Climate Change,” Dr. Ian Palmer—a solar space scientist and oilfield engineer—outlines how those businesses can reduce their carbon footprints.
“Ageless Love” by Drs. Barbara and Michael Grossman explores the dynamics of romantic relationships and how to maintain a passionate, lasting love. Drawing on over 35 years of clinical practice and their experience leading relationship courses, the doctors offer readers practical wisdom and useful strategies.
If you’re looking for an open and honest discussion about these and other hot-button issues of the day, join Ian, Barbara, Michael, and the entire SHAKE IT OFF team, this coming Sunday, from 7-9 PM (Eastern), on AM 970: The Answer.
Access our live broadcast here: https://shakeitofflive.com/
Should you miss the show, catch us 24/7 on your favorite podcast streaming service, like Amazon, Apple, iHeart, Spotify and YouTube.
Of course, it’s always better when you SHAKE IT OFF with us, LIVE!
We’ll heal all that irks you. (Or… we’ll just irk you some more!)
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