Laurinel is an accomplished cellist and journalist who has performed with major ensembles around the world. In addition to her music career, she has published over 130 articles in prominent magazines. Her memoir, “ Strings Attached: A Memoir of Betrayal, Bigamy, and Self-Discovery,” details her personal journey through a tumultuous marriage and her path to healing.
Solomon, who has been writing about various historical figures and topics since the age of 12, has been described as “the youngest child historian in America.” Author of eight books, his latest work, “ Legal Gladiator: The Life of Alan Dershowitz,” is an in-depth biography that explores the often-controversial lawyer’s rise from a struggling Brooklyn high school student to becoming the youngest professor in Harvard Law School’s history.
If you’re looking for an open and honest discussion about these and other hot-button issues of the day, join Laurinel, Solomon, and the entire SHAKE IT OFF team this coming Sunday, from 7-9 PM (Eastern), on AM 970: The Answer.
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