Back in 2019, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed suit against Frontier Airlines, alleging that the latter had wrongfully discriminated against pregnant and lactating employees.
In a settlement announced in early December, the airline agreed to allow pilots to pump breastmilk in the cockpit (“during noncritical phases of the flight”). In addition, the company will modify its employment-related policies and practices.
In a written statement, Aditi Fruitwala, staff attorney for the ACLU’s Center for Liberty, noted that “Many companies purport to be family-friendly but fail to provide any support to employees who are pregnant or lactating. We’re so proud we could come to an agreement that will benefit pregnant and lactating workers now and into the future …. This settlement should serve as a strong message to employers – especially airline employers – that reasonable accommodations such as those agreed to by Frontier Airlines are good for workers, good for families, good for business, and required by the law. We’re hopeful this will inspirev more change and stronger protections for workers across the airline industry.”
That’s likely not the final frontier, either …
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