Well, on Sunday, you’ll hear first-hand from an expert who’s got the inside scoop!
Gene Huskey, an Experience Delivery Manager at OnStar, will talk about a unique tracking feature in GM vehicles that allows people to monitor Santa’s whereabouts this holiday season. Just press the blue OnStar button, or use the OnStar Guardian app, to track Santa’s flight path. (Gene will be providing us with some live updates.)
Our other guests will be Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin and Dr. Monica Vermani.
Woodfin has been serving as the Mayor of Birmingham since 2017. In addition to talking about his administration’s stellar accomplishments, we’ll also discuss the upcoming release of his new memoir, “ Son of Birmingham.”
A Toronto-based clinical psychologist, Dr. Vermani will be sharing insights from her new book, “ A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety, and Trauma.” Vermani helps her patients achieve better mental health and wellness through her comprehensive therapeutic approaches.
Join us for this special yuletide episode of SHAKE IT OFF WITH MERT & LUCAS LIVE, Sunday, December 22, 2024, from 7-9 PM (Eastern), on AM970 radio.
Access our broadcast here: https://shakeitofflive.com/
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