This coming Sunday, from 7-9 PM (Eastern), on AM970 (radio), our guests will be GERI SPIELER and GREG KAPLAN.
Geri Spieler — an award-winning writer, master researcher, journalist, and non-fiction author — will be talking about her new historical novel which recounts her family’s escape from the anti-Semitic pogroms of early 20th century Poland: REGINA OF WARSAW: LOVE, LOSS AND LIBERATION, a 2024 New York Book Festival Award winner.
And if you’re battling the college admissions “rat race,” Greg Kaplan — an internationally recognized admissions strategist and speaker — will be joining us during our show’s second hour to share some insights from his new book: THE JOURNEY: HOW TO PREPARE KIDS FOR A COMPETITIVE AND CHANGING WORLD.
For a frank, open, honest discussion about some of the hottest issues of the day, join Geri, Greg, and the entire SHAKE IT OFF team, this Sunday, from 7-9 PM, (Eastern), on AM 970: THE ANSWER.
To listen live, visit: https://am970theanswer.com/radioshow/shake-it-off-with-mert-lucas-live
If you miss the live show, you can also catch us on your favorite podcast streaming service, like Amazon, Apple, iHeart, and Spotify, whenever you desire ….
SHAKE IT OFF WITH MERT & LUCAS, LIVE! Admission to our program is totally FREE!
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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