Serving San Francisco and surrounding cities, the BAY AREA REPORTER, is the country’s “longest continuously published and highest circulation LGBTQ newspaper.”
In early April, David-Elijah Nahmod, a writer with that publication, issued his review of MAKEUP — a feature film written and directed by Hugo Andre (London, England).
In his column, Nahmod called the work, “a buddy film for the 21st century.” He described the movie as, “A tale of an unlikely friendship between two very different people, one of whom has a secret, ‘Makeup’ is a film which raises a number of interesting questions about gender roles, and about living one’s life as a gender nonconforming person.”
He continued, “’Makeup’ is a slow, quiet film which puts its lead characters under a microscope and allows them to be fully developed. Both are fascinating people.”
And he concluded with, “‘Makeup’ is definitely worth a look.”
Our sincerest thanks to Mr. Nahmod for the gracious review -- which you can read, in its entirety, HERE.
The movie is now available via all the major screening platforms. Or, you can also pick up a DVD copy of the film on Amazon.
For more info, visit: https://linktr.ee/makeupfilm
Director: Hugo Andre
Written by: Hugo Andre & Will Masheter
Producer: Lucas A. Ferrara
APs: Will Masheter, Stuart Wolfe-Murray, Kelley Daniel, Hugo Andre
DOP: Dylan Vivian
1AC: Flo Goodlad-Skinner
2AC: Teddy Skinner
Sound: Atom Inions Morton
Music: Archie Jennings
HMU: Georgia English, Alesia Baiocco
Cast: Hugo Andre, Will Masheter, Kent Goldfinch, Zak Watson Smith, Adam Starkey, Lloyd Mundell, Julia Anwuli Sydenham, Stuart Wolfe-Murray, Maria Lidze, Pete lnskip, Adele Marie, Charlie Baker, Ezekiel Martin, Lawrence Visconti, Louis Circe, Edward Saunders, Jorge Field, Daisy Hirst, Shaelyn Newmarch, Guillaume Trouson, Dorian Semencic.
Now why not be a good buddy and give MAKEUP a view?
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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