In TWOFOLD, a new film written by Toto Bruin, and directed by Ella Greenwood, our protagonists meet at a New Year’s Eve party. While things start out pleasant enough, as memories are refreshed, and the duo rehashes what happened between them a decade prior, we witness a gradual, and emotionally charged, escalation of their exchange.
Phoebe Campbell, known for her role as “Rhaena Targaryen” in “House of the Dragon” (HBO), stars with Rebecca Calder, whose credits include “Hilma,” “Wrath of Man,” “I May Destroy You,” “Memory & Wolfe.” Co-starring are Clinton Blake, who has appeared in “The Stranger,” “Top Boy” and “Sanditon,” and, Maya Bartley O’Dea, “Once Upon a Riot.”
Toto, also an actor, is known for her role as “Lucy Tozer,” in Russell T Davies’s critically acclaimed Channel 4/HBO Max limited series, “It’s A Sin.” When asked about her inspiration for this project, Toto responded:
“TWOFOLD shines a light on the themes of love, deception, power, and consent. Loss of childhood is a theme that ebbs and flows throughout my work, and the underlying theme of sexual abuse in Twofold is something that I wanted to explore both sensitively and unforgivingly. I want this short to reach out to anyone who has even felt manipulated and powerless at the hands of another. I hope Twofold will leave its audience second guessing themselves at every corner on what’s right and wrong in the game of love.”
While filming was completed in mid-February, and the project is now in post-production (before heading to the festival circuit), my friends at Broken Films Productions were kind enough to release this clip, which provides some exclusive, behind-the-scenes moments from the set.
Stay tuned for additional updates as TWOFOLD, unfolds ….
#lucasaferrara @brokenflamespd @popsella @maya_bod @totobruin @rebeccacalder_ 📷 by @ines_leila_hachou #love #abuse #sexualabuse #lossofinnocence #film #films #shortfilm #shortfilms #creatives #actors #filmmaker #filmmakers #moviemaker #moviemakers #filmmaking #moviemaking #art #relationship #relationships #power #manipulation