Promoting inclusion, championing diversity, and empowering all people, its mission is to “change the way we see each other through film.” That’s why we’re honored that FIND THE LIGHT, written and directed by Abdullah Khan, and starring George MacKay, (“1917”), is among the featured selections.
To learn more, visit: https://pjiff.org/
Our sincerest thanks to PJIFF, and congrats to our entire FTL team! (Their Instagram tags follow.)

in association with @lucasaferrara
EP @cameronkroghstone
AP @motionhead
Cast #georgemackay @jaysoldoy @rhys_mcgowan3 @craigmcginlay @seemabowri @amerjitdeu @keenanmunn @spencerallum1997 @_harryjmiller_ @fin.vl @bengonzalesmt @sarahlilymua @lukanotwithac @_kyletaylor06_ @justjuwayriyya
Prod. Design @miko_y_wasowski
Costume @hollycauser
DOP @arrangreen
H&MU @syfermakeup
Prep @_sophiagm
Location Mgr @marialuztremsal
Edit: Ruda Santos @carlyevabrown
Sound Design @tonemanufacture
Music @hollieboohiya
Colorist @fszulc_colour @nomadeditco
EFX @harrybinstead
Storyboard @lottieboards
1 AD @matteostrobelt @top_tarasin
Crowd AD @joshsales4
Script Supv @merrynrae
Prod. Mgr @srjeram
Set Dresser @adamjameshowe
Trinity @james.poole___
Underwater Op. @zacmacaulay
Focus: @sphynxfilms_
Gaffers: Federico Belloli @shotbymather
Spark @mackenziestretch
2 ACs: James Tilyard, Osman Tekdemir
Camera Package @arri @arri_rental
Casting @sydneyamee @camillaarthurcasting
Casting Assts @carmenflowerg, Els Housley
Prod. Assts @kaiyanlalai @davidkemiki @jrosehatton
Trainees: James Hathwaite @ella_mcbrien @eloisegreenacre @conniejenkinsgrieg
Trailer @filipparulski
Festival Consult: @festivalformula
Join us … by popping by Poppy Jasper!
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To view a list of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/
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#lucasaferrara #findthelightshortfilm #drama #indiefilm #shortfilm #filmmaking #youngfilmmakers #racism #discrimination #mentalhealth #filmmakers #director #directing #actor #actors #acting #film #films #shortfilm #filmmaker #filmmakers #movie #movies