Because workers at Sandia Transportation LLC, a “non-emergency medical transportation company," located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, were reportedly subjected to “illegal harassment based on their sex and sexual orientation,” on April 3, 2023, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a civil complaint against the business.
Apparently, the owner openly expressed dislike for lesbians and indicated that they didn’t belong in the workplace; that they were “fat ugly bitches,” “dumb,” “stupid,” “lazy,” and “ignorant.” In addition to having said that he despised "dealing with women," on March 24, 2017, Sandia’s owner purportedly made an office-wide announcement that, “All the lesbians are fired!”
Because such conduct was said to have violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (which prohibits sex, sexual-orientation, or gender-identity discrimination), the EEOC filed suit, EEOC v. Sandia Transportation, LLC, Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00274-KRS-GJF, in U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico, seeking compensatory and punitive damages for four women, together with an award of injunctive relief preventing future discriminatory practices.
In a written statement, EEOC Phoenix District Regional Attorney Mary Jo O’Neill noted, “Federal law requires employers to act promptly to protect employees who are harassed on the basis of their sexual orientation or sex …. Failing to do so not only violates federal law, but also encourages more illegal harassment. An owner telling employees that people like them are killed in his former country invokes a fear of violence for lesbian employees in the workplace.”
Sandia likely wasn't in a transport of delight about that either ....
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