Well, Blake Ridder’s latest film, CUTTLEFISH, is certainly no exception.
Now before we discuss his short, there are a few things you need to know about the creature itself. Apparently, these mollusks -- which are related to squid, octopuses, and nautiluses -- have three hearts, (two to pump blood to the gills, and the third to rest of the body), function in low light, and can sense what’s happening behind them. Cuttlefish are known as the “chameleons of the sea,” because they have color-changing abilities, which match their surroundings. And while they rarely encounter humans, considerable caution should be exercised as they can deliver a lethal sting via razor-sharp beaks hidden under their tentacles.
Ridder’s newest short borrows from some of those references. While things start off simple enough – with our protagonists have having dinner with some old “friends” -- as the evening progresses, it’s revealed (just about as the dessert is being served) that the latter have some pretty dishonorable intentions.
Who will win this classic battle of good vs. evil? (Or evil vs. even more evil?) Well, you’ll have to watch to find out ….
You can now view the film, FOR FREE, here: https://youtu.be/kM_GL0WJIHo or via @blake.ridder (link in his bio).
Special thanks to the cast and crew:
Alina X Allison @alinaxallison
Ben Fab Santino @fabsantinofans
Sarah Alexandra Marks @sarahamarks
Blake Ridder @blake.ridder
Writer/Director/DOP Blake Ridder @blake.ridder
Producers Louis James @louisjames24, and yours truly
1st AC @raki.ralko
2nd AC @schmeemie
Sound Lee Viesnik
Sound Grzegorz Klicz @theglitsch
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