Life is about choices. And many of them aren’t easy. Some are downright controversial.
Among the more “taboo” topics, is the highly debated “right-to-die.” There are those who think that no one has the right to take their own life, or to assist ending the life of another, even under the most extreme of circumstances. And that controversy is sensitively addressed in EACH LOVELY THING, a new short film written and directed by Paloma Nozicka.
While it recently completed post-production and is now competing at festivals worldwide, Paloma whipped up this trailer which will give you a glimpse of the outstanding performances and production values.
Special thanks to our cast and crew for their stellar work here. (Their IG tags follow.)
produced in association with @lucasaferrara
writer + director: @palomiiiiiiita
creative producer: @vanceasmith
EPs: @juanempanadavilla @lori1ton
AP: @jmichaelsobel
DOP: @haley_minyoung_kreofsky
Editor: @zoe_lawrence_
1 AD: @_jjuanpablo
1 AC: @justinlinstagram
gaffer: @vic_lee12
sound mix: @spagettit
prod design: @beccamu
sound design: @_jjuanpablo
key: @a_classic_jo
swings: @sassyseamonster @elicooperfilm
colorist: @ariannashiningstar
post audio: @_jjuanpablo
music: @sadbradsmith
wardrobe: @alexiscmartino
hair + mu: @laurennverret.mua @andreavaldezmua
PA @ibelieveicanry
BTS stills: @katherinebournetaylor
poster: @beccamu
trailer: @zoe_lawrence_
@elainerivkin @13inspanish @xmarksthespt @bywoahboy @kiaylaryann @deliabaseman @ramonehulet @juanempanadavilla @lori1ton
Till death do us part ....
To view a list of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/
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