You’ll find a newly opened restaurant in downtown Boca Raton (Florida), and it’s called CORVINA SEAFOOD GRILL, located at 110 Plaza Real South (south of Palmetto Park Road).
On its website, the establishment claims its “9 for $9” Happy Hour offers “imaginative edibles like Rock Shrimp Nachos, Tito’s Bloody Mary Oyster Shooters, and Crispy Smashed Potatoes Patatas Bravas with a spicy smoked paprika sauce.” Far from “imaginative,” let’s say the food hit us as uninspired, like the shrimp nachos we reviewed the other day.
So, after the nacho fiasco, we certainly didn’t have high hopes for the “Spicy Salmon Maki Sushi Roll” – pickled ginger and wasabi. Now when making this item, the core ingredients are typically added on top of vinegared rice and a sheet of seaweed, (or “nori”), which are then rolled up and cut up into bite-sized pieces. (This version is typically made with raw salmon mixed with a Japanese-style mayo and chili sauce.)
Let’s be perfectly honest. Most people go to a happy hour for the discounted pricing. But based on what we got; we failed to see the “value.” [Each piece wasn’t worth $1.50. (Sorry.) And you’d likely get more sushi for $9 at your local shopping center. (And I’ll spare you my thoughts on the evils of store-bought sushi.)]
It should come as no surprise that his thing scored another “F.” Not only was it overpriced, but we thought the fish portioning was tight-fisted. And, because the spiciness overwhelmed, we found this entire thing totally unenjoyable.
What did we make of this morbid maki?
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