Back in June of 2020, I asked Gilbert Gottfried, an American comedian and actor, to record a message about my having reached a significant milestone at the time — some 1.6 million followers on Instagram. (And this is the whacky video he whipped up.)
Gilbert is best known for his loud, piercing voice which brought him considerable fame (and fortune) thanks to a number of TV and movie roles, such as the parrot “Iago” in Aladdin (Disney, 1992), and his Aflac Duck commercials (here in the U.S.).
I was saddened to learn that he died a few weeks ago, at the age of 67, due to complications associated with a muscular disease, and thought I would reprise the video (he made for me) in his honor.
Thank you for the laughs, kind sir.
Requiescat in pace. (May he rest in piece.)
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