The cast members of FALLEN were kind of enough to send me this clip after a recent screening.
Seen here (from left to right) are the stars of the film: Rafe Mitch, Pilar Amores, Jonah Paull, and Paul Baichoo. (Missing are: Writer and Director Matthew Todd, and actress Scarlett Archer.)
Since this video was made, there have been a number of great new developments.
Jonah (second from right, in the video below) was awarded “Best Young Actor” accolades by both the HALO International Film Festival and High Tatras Film Festival.
Our congratulations to Jonah, his mom, Sharona, and to the rest of the FALLEN team. Additional recognition of your great work is sure to follow, as the movie continues to make the rounds at festivals worldwide.
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UPDATE 11/7/21
FALLEN was selected BEST SCI FI / FANTASY FILM (October 2021) by V. i. Z. Film Fest. The announcement appears in the clip appearing below.
Congrats, to the entire team, for this well deserved recognition.UPDATE 11/12/2021
Fallen was selected as BEST DRAMA (October 2021), by the London Indie Film Festival.