In THE MANOR, a new film written and directed by Blake Ridder, what fate awaits a bunch of unsuspecting filmmakers as they arrive at their designated shoot location -- a run-down English country estate?
Starring Kim Lysette Spearman (@kimilysette), Sarah Alexandra Marks (@sarahamarks), Rui Shang (@official_ruishang), and Louis James (@louisjames24), four eager, young creatives end up encountering all manner of mayhem.
And while it’s often said that “manners maketh man,” this mysterious manor maketh one heck of a muddled, murderous mess!
Check out this titillating "teaser," and stay tuned for more details!
UPDATE (JUNE 1, 2021):
A free 13-minute preview of the film has now been released. To see more, visit: https://www.nyrealestatelawblog.com/~/manhattan-litigation-blog/2021/may/check-out-this-cut-of-the-manor-/
To check out some of Lucas's other projects, click: https://www.imdb.me/lucasaferrara