You would think that losing a loved one would bring families together. But, more often than not, conflicts are quite common.
A University of Alberta researcher found that disagreements arise at key points, such as when moving a loved one to a hospice or ending life support; with all families likely to experience conflict at some stage of the end-of-life process.
"Sorry For Your Loss," a new short directed by Colton Fromhart, and co-written with Lewis Kellum, follows two siblings as they cope with their mother’s passing. In addition to exploring such themes as depression and addiction, Colton advises that the film will give a “raw, yet lighthearted look into grief.” He also stresses it's about the importance of family and "never giving up on those we love."
Raising funds for independent film is also fraught with considerable anguish these days. And while the creative team has already reached its desired funding goal, additional dollars will help improve the quality of the final product. To that end, in exchange for relatively modest pledges you can score a listing in the end credits for as little as $10 (U.S.) and procure a digital download of the script, the story board panel, and poster for $50.
To learn more, please visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/outforlunch/sorry-for-your-loss-a-short-film
It would be a dead loss if you didn’t help these young Michigan filmmakers out.