With Covid-19 wreaking mayhem and havoc across the globe, the accompanying chaos and confusion (along with the social distancing and shelter-in-place requirements), have many questioning the purpose and direction of their lives.
And, as Starla Blatcher, writer and director of a new film called “NODUS TOLLENS” observes, it’s gotten particularly challenging for young people.
“Life no longer makes sense,” and coming to grips with the “new normal” isn’t easy. She added, “I want to show how the virus has affected families, youth, and our everyday way of life.”
Hence the premise of her upcoming project, which tracks a teenage boy coming to terms with his “newly private and sheltered world.”
It's Starla's hope to spark a debate and dialogue about how the pandemic is impacting the young, “and how to live life to the fullest” in such a challenging time.
Of course, this unprecedented environment has also made it particularly daunting to raise money for film production, which is why Starla has initiated a crowdfunding campaign where, in exchange for a contribution, you can score a perk or two -- including some posters, a customized mask, together with an acknowledgement in the film’s credits.
To learn more, please visit: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/nodus-tollens/x/24127123#/
We think that makes a heck of a lot of sense. Don’t you?