Boris Yeltsin purportedly once said, “We don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone.”
And those words appear to be ringing true for many Bronx residents, as “six Bronx neighborhoods lodged the most heating complaints in New York City this year, making those areas the city’s ‘coldest’ neighborhoods in 2019,” amNY reports.
According to data compiled by "Renthop," Mount Hope, Fordham South, Norwood, Williamsbridge-Olinville, Bedford Park-Fordham North, and Pelham Parkway experience the highest number of heating issues -- with a whopping 3,255 complaints filed. (Each complaint was made by a resident calling 3-1-1.)
“In 2019 alone, the Bronx had 72% more normalized complaints than those filed in Brooklyn,” reads amNY. “Since at least 2015, the Bronx has led the city in tenant-related heating issues.”
Renthop suggests indicates that there is a correlation between rental rates and the number of heat related complaints, noting that “the higher the median 1BR rent, the fewer the heat complaints/10k renter-occupied units.”
But make no mistake, service lapses are by no means limited to that borough. As we previously reported, some 292,000 units had unplanned heat or hot water outages throughout the New York City area between October 2018 and May 2019. (Heating season in the Big Apple started October 1.)
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To view Renthop’s study, click here: https://www.renthop.com/studies/nyc/2019-nyc-heat-complaints-by-neighborhood
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