FTC Announces Agenda for June 5 Workshop on Competition in Residential Real Estate Brokerage to Be Held Jointly with the Department of Justice
The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice issued the agenda for a joint public workshop that will explore competition issues in the residential real estate brokerage industry. The workshop will take place on June 5, 2018, at the FTC’s Constitution Center Auditorium, 400 7th St., SW, Washington, DC. The event begins at 9:00 a.m.
Buying or selling a home is one of the biggest financial transactions that most consumers make in their lives, and the residential real estate brokerage industry has experienced significant change in recent years, including the emergence of new technologies and business models. The agencies’ joint public workshop will focus on developments since the publication of their Report on Competition in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry in 2007.
FTC Chairman Joseph J. Simons will open the workshop, which will bring together academics, consumer advocates, data standards experts, real estate brokers, information marketplaces, and multiple listing services. In a series of panel discussions, the agencies will explore technological developments, the availability of listings data, and the evolution of the consumer experience in real estate transactions; developments in real estate brokerage fee and service models; and regulatory and industry factors affecting residential real estate brokerage competition.
The workshop is free and open to the public, and will be webcast live on the FTC’s website. Workshop updates will be available via Twitter @FTC. To join the discussion, please use #RealEstateFTCDOJ.
Until July 31, 2018, the FTC and DOJ will accept public comments relating to competition in the residential real estate brokerage industry and the topics covered by this workshop. For further information on the workshop and the public comment process, including a list of suggested questions open for comment and registration information, please visit the workshop event page. Advance registration is not required, but is strongly encouraged.
Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendees should bring a valid government-issued photo ID (government badge, license, passport, etc.) and arrive in time to go through security.
The Conference Center is accessible to people with disabilities. If you need an accommodation related to a disability, please contact Kristal Peters in advance at kpeters@ftc.gov(link sends e-mail) or 202-326-2913. Such requests should include a detailed description of the accommodations needed and a way to contact you if we need more information.