Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks at the Federalist Society’s Student Symposium
Remarks as prepared for delivery.
Thank you, Professor Barnett, for that kind introduction, and thank you
for your leadership at the Center for the Constitution.
I want to express my gratitude once again to the Federalist Society. For
35 years the Federalist Society has been an eloquent voice—perhaps
the most eloquent voice—in defense of the rule of law.
That is an idea that always deserves—and always needs—defending.
Our Founders set up a marvelous system in which Congress writes our laws,
the Executive Branch carries out our laws, and the Judiciary applies those
laws to cases and controversies.
But this group knows well that there is always a serious risk that some
judges will fail to respect our representatives in Congress and the Executive
Branch and, instead, claim the power to set policy—a power courts
do not have.
For example, we recently had a judge tell one of our fine lawyers openly
in court that “you can’t come into court to espouse a position
that is so heartless.” Not illegal. Not unlawful. Heartless.
When I said publicly that it is not a judge’s job to decide what
is “heartless,” –that it’s the job of the American
people and its representatives to establish what the law is—this
same judge then said that I “seem to think the courts cannot have
an opinion.”
That’s wrong. Judges should issue opinions—legal opinions
that pertain to the legal questions of the case, not to politics or policy
or personal sentiment.
As Attorney General of the United States, I am shocked by the actions
of certain judges who fail to respect the constitutional responsibilities
of the executive and legislative branches. These branches are coequal
and the courts are not superior.
Although the courts are empowered to decide specific cases and controversies,
they do not have the final word on every policy dispute. On matters of
policy, the branches that are directly accountable to the people must
be given proper respect.
The new vehicle used by activist judges to direct executive policy is
the issuing of nationwide injunctions—orders that block the entire
United States government from enforcing an executive branch policy or
executing a statute. And not just in one district, but nationwide. Not
just to parties before the court, but against everyone, everywhere.
Courts have been calling them nationwide injunctions, but it would be
just as fitting to call them non-party injunctions or limitless injunctions—since
they bind all of America and grant relief to those who are not parties
to the case. And they are usually preliminary injunctions, so they block
important government actions before a trial.
Scholars have not found a single example of any judge issuing this type
of extreme remedy in the first 175 years of the Republic. But President
Trump has been hit with 22 in just over one year in office—on issues
like DACA, the travel order, sanctuary cities, and the service of transgender
people in the military.
While you may have heard differently, we believe that each of these executive
actions is justified under the lawful powers of the chief executive. We
are eager to defend these actions before the Supreme Court and are confident
of a positive result.
In fact, the Supreme Court has already issued three extraordinary opinions
by which they essentially reversed the vast majority of injunctions on
the travel matter and granted an extraordinary writ of mandamus to stop
a district court judge’s extreme discovery order.
It’s hard enough to manage this colossal government under the laws
passed by Congress, much less facing a host of nationwide injunctions
imposed by just one of 600 district judges—injunctions that result
in great cost and turmoil.
It took more than 200 years for the first 22 nationwide injunctions to
be issued. Now we’ve had 22 in just over one year. Clearly, something
has changed.
It’s not as though there weren’t legal controversies before
1963. There were many. They were hotly contested. But nobody issued a
nationwide, limitless injunction.
In 1897, in Scott v. Donald, for example, the Supreme Court found a law
unconstitutional and even recognized that many others besides the plaintiff
might be entitled to relief. But the Court issued an injunction that only
prevented application of the law to the plaintiff.
During the New Deal controversies, courts concluded that one new tax was
unconstitutional more than 1,600 times.
They issued more than 1,600 injunctions. But each of those injunctions
applied only to the plaintiff, and the government collected the tax in
good faith from more than 71,000 other taxpayers before the Supreme Court
later held it unconstitutional.
In truth, this is a question of raw power—of who gets to decide
the policy questions facing America: our elected representatives, our
elected president or unelected lifetime-appointed federal judges.
Today, in effect, single district court judges are going beyond proper
adjudicative bounds and making themselves super-legislators for the entire
United States.
That means that each of the more than 600 federal district judges in the
United States can enjoin a law or regulation throughout the country—regardless
of whether the other 599 disagree.
These limitless injunctions are contrary to the structure of our government,
to the role of our judiciary, and they hamper or even block the proper
functioning of our government—and they importantly and dramatically
undermine the power of the people to control their government.
Let me share some concerns.
First of all, these nationwide injunctions encourage forum shopping. There
is a reason why so many lawsuits have been filed against the Trump Administration
in California and Hawaii, and why others were filed against the Obama
Administration in Texas.
Litigants are looking for the most favorable forum in which to advance
their goal of binding the whole nation—virtually always to secure
a policy outcome that could never win at the ballot box or in the legislature.
Second, limitless injunctions cut off discussion among lower courts.
We know that the first court to rule on an issue isn’t always right.
Our federal judicial system is set up so that district courts in different
parts of the country can consider issues at the same time. Those issues
may then be appealed to one of the twelve circuit courts. When those circuit
courts disagree, then the Supreme Court can take up the case.
Non-party injunctions short-circuit our system. The federal government
is forced to appeal the first nationwide injunction, possibly all the
way to the Supreme Court—which can take 18 months or longer. The
effect is to cut off opportunities for other courts to weigh in.
And often these are preliminary injunctions, meaning a full case record
has not been developed before the vast scope of the injunction directs
the policy of the government.
Third, when a single district judge issues a nationwide injunction while
similar cases are pending elsewhere, the first ruling by the first district
judge somehow becomes authoritative while contrary rulings by equally
authoritative district judges have no effect.
A telling example of this is the litigation over the rescission of the
DACA policy.
Parties have sued in several courts across the country, meaning that several
judges are considering the issue and will issue rulings that should be
binding on the plaintiffs in those cases only.
Yet a federal judge in San Francisco and a federal judge in New York both
felt they had the authority to issue nationwide injunctions, granting
relief to others who were not parties to the case.
Then, just this week, a federal judge in Maryland held that the DACA rescission
was lawful. So the plaintiffs in that Maryland case lost—but by
the rulings of the San Francisco and New York judges, they obtained relief anyway.
Fourth, limitless injunctions circumvent the class certification process
required by statute and by Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
That’s because they provide the benefits of class certification
without the procedural protections.
Fifth, limitless injunctions create an absurd situation in which a plaintiff
only needs to win once to stop a national law or policy—but the
government needs to win every time to carry out its policies. That makes
governing all but impossible.
My predecessor, Attorney General Robert Jackson faced a similar problem.
In 1937, he lamented that “no administration can halt its policies…to
seek the judiciaries’ views.
The government cannot learn the judge’s views until after the law
is passed and then only after a lapse of years…Moreover, the judicial
contribution is always a negative. It may tell what cannot be done…but
it never tells what can be done. Government by litigation has destroyed
effective enforcement of public policy.”
He didn’t know how good he had it.
The Department of Justice has been fighting the unprecedented number of
limitless injunctions in the courts, and we are well aware of what is at stake.
For example, last year, I made the common sense decision that our state
and local law enforcement grants should go to states and cities that actually
cooperate with federal law enforcement, including the enforcement of the
immigration laws.
To receive this grant money, jurisdictions need to certify their compliance
with federal law barring restrictions on communications between state
and local agencies and the Department of Homeland Security.
They have to allow our ICE agents access to detention facilities to meet
with aliens and inquire into his or her right to remain in the United States.
And third, they have to provide at least 48 hours advance notice to ICE
before releasing an alien if ICE has asked for notice. These are small
but important requests for cooperation.
This allows ICE to know about aliens who are arrested and can decide whether
to take custody of them. These are aliens who have committed crimes or
are suspected of having committed crimes. They are serious enough criminals
that the local authorities have arrested them.
And yet some cities think only their law enforcement interests deserve
vindication, not those of the federal government. Why, then, should the
federal government give grants to these cities?
Well, unsurprisingly, several of these sanctuary cities have sued us.
These cities want federal funding—but they don’t want federal
law or to comply with the most reasonable cooperation requirements.
Sure enough, the first city to the courthouse—Chicago—found
a local district judge who agreed with its claims. We disagree with the
merits of that ruling, and we think we will ultimately prevail on this
legal question.
Normally, this would be a discrete error affecting one city’s grant,
and we would correct it on appeal in due course. But instead of issuing
an injunction for the city, the judge enjoined the federal government
from imposing these conditions on any state or city across the entire
nation, including those that agree completely with our position and don’t
want this relief.
What possible interest does Chicago have in this sweeping relief? Chicago’s
only plausible interest—its own grant money—would have been
fully and completely vindicated by an injunction applying only to Chicago.
Meanwhile, other judges are considering this question.
A judge in San Francisco recently denied a preliminary injunction to that
city, but it doesn’t matter because the judge in Chicago decided
to grant relief to every city.
By not acting as a district court of limited jurisdiction, this judge
in Chicago has halted the grant process for the entire country, and has
created the need for an expedited appeal in the Seventh Circuit to correct
this overreach.
The increasing frequency of limitless injunctions is simply unsustainable,
and the ever-more extreme nature of these injunctions is only making it
more obvious just how unconstitutional they are.
The Supreme Court has not yet issued a definitive ruling on the merits
of nationwide injunctions. So far, when the Court has had relevant cases
before them, it has resolved them on other grounds.
But we are hopeful that the Supreme Court will soon send a clear message
to the lower courts that injunctions ought to be limited to the parties
of the case.
Scope of relief is at issue in a number of high profile cases right now.
We will soon be arguing the merits of the President’s travel ban,
and we have asked for a review of this aspect of the case, as well.
This is not a political or a partisan issue. It is a constitutional issue
and a rule of law issue.
This has been a problem for administrations of both parties. Until President
Trump, the President with the most limitless injunctions was President
Obama, and President Clinton was in second place.
But the Department of Justice—under Democratic and Republican administrations
alike—has been consistent over these past several decades that nationwide
injunctions gravely threaten the rule of law.
They threaten the proper respect for separation of powers, and indeed
the very functioning of the other two branches of the federal government.
The American people vote for those other two branches of government. They
want their votes to count. They want their voices heard. The political
branches need to be able to act.
This is my message: We hope the Supreme Court will resolve this issue.
There can be no question that courts should put an end to nationwide injunctions
and keep activists on both sides of the aisle from paralyzing the federal
In order for our system to function, the Court must end government-by-litigation.
I am hopeful that soon they will, and that—with your help—we
will restore the rule of law in this country.
Thank you.