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Trump and his administration want to expand oil and gas drilling off the U.S. coastline, including the remote Arctic. This disastrous plan would overturn Obama's important protections; it's entirely a gift to the fossil fuel industry.

Sign to send a public comment: Don't let Trump expand drilling off our coasts!

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We only have a few more days in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's public comment period, which ends this Friday, March 9. So we're working with a coalition of organizations to send in a huge wave of public comments, which will shape media coverage and up the pressure.

Here's what Trump's proposal would do: risk more spills, endanger people's lives, threaten coastal communities, and tip our climate beyond the point of no return. We need to keep at least 80% of known oil and gas reserves in the ground.This plan is short-sighted and entirely for the benefit of fossil fuel corporations at the expense of the rest of us.

Even the jobs it would create would be few, temporary, and dangerous. For good, long-lasting jobs, we need to transition to clean energy. So we need your voice right now to help us get there.

Click here to submit a public comment: Don't let Trump expand drilling off our coasts!

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Thanks for all that you do. I know these times are overwhelming, but we're starting to see lots of exciting shifts. Keep it up!

-Mara Schechter, Daily Kos

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
