1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas, Trump's decision to end temporary protected status (TPS) for recipients from El Salvador is a matter of life and death. Over 200,000 people could face deportation to a nation with one of the highest murder rates in the world, and a weakened government unable to receive and provide for them.

TPS—an immigration designation granted to immigrants when extreme circumstances make it too unsafe to return home—was granted to El Salvador in 2001 after devastating earthquakes. TPS was repeatedly renewed as conditions failed to improve. Plagued by extreme life-threatening violence, El Salvador remains extremely unsafe. It is irresponsible and immoral to forcefully deport people to the region.

Trump's attacks on TPS don't only impact El Salvador. He's ended TPS for Sudan, Haiti, and Nicaragua as well. The best way to protect TPS recipients is for Congress to pass legislation granting legal immigration status.

Call Representative Carolyn B. Maloney at (202) 225-7944. Urge them to take immediate action and pass legislation to protect TPS recipients immediately.

When you get either an aide or voicemail, please leave this message:

My name is Lucas Ferrara calling from zip code 10460. You must defend TPS recipients. It is irresponsible and immoral to deport people to dangerous and life-threatening conditions. I urge you to act immediately to pass a bill to protect TPS recipients and grant them legal immigration status.

After you've made the call, click here to tell us how it went. We are keeping a running tally on calls.

Finished your call or can't get through? Click here and sign the petition to Representative Carolyn B. Maloney: Protect all TPS recipients now.


We cannot allow Trump and the GOP to destroy families and risk lives, all in service of a racist anti-immigrant agenda. Nearly 200,000 U.S. citizen children with at least one parent who is a TPS recipient. These are American families and it is our duty to ensure their safety and security.

Keep fighting,
Irna Landrum, Daily Kos
