The Trump administration has just unveiled their plan to expand offshore
drilling in US continental-shelf waters, including protected areas of
the Arctic and the Atlantic. Republicans and Democrats alike oppose offshore
drilling and have come forward to condemn this measure.
SIGN our petition to stand up for our environment and protected areas.
Congressional Republicans recognize the irreversible damage that this
will cause. Some are speaking up but others sit quietly while Trump dismantles
all Obama-era environmental regulations out of spite. We need courageous
members of Congress who are willing to be a voice for not only the biodiversity
in these natural areas, but also the people on our coasts who will be
exposed to new risks associated with drilling.
ADD YOUR NAME --> Tell Congress to leave offshore drilling in the past
where it belongs and defend our biodiversity.
As a mother of four, and someone who lives in a coastal state, I recognize
the severe consequences that this expansion could have on our generation
and beyond. I am committed to leaving this country better for my children
and that includes the environment that they inherit. It’s time that
we move on from these harmful methods of extracting our earth’s
natural resources and invest in renewable energy.
Thank you,
Mikie Sherrill
Candidate in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District