Justice News

Department Of Justice Announces Second Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Second Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing.

The Attorney General’s Award recognizes individual state, local or tribal sworn, rank- and-file police officers and deputies for exceptional efforts in community policing. The awarded officer(s) or deputy(ies) will have demonstrated active engagement with the community in one of three areas: criminal investigations, field operations or innovations in policing.

“President Trump and I support law enforcement at all levels – and we always will. We know whose side we are on. We are on the side of law-and-order. This means we are on the side of the approximately 85 percent of all law enforcement officers that serve at the state, local, and tribal level,” said Attorney General Sessions. “These men and women serve and protect us from violent crime, dangerous opioids, and criminal gangs. The Department of Justice is committed to supporting the law enforcement community that keeps this great nation safe and makes it even safer. Today we honor our law enforcement officers by announcing the second annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing.”

Within each category, an award will be given to law enforcement agencies serving small, medium, and large jurisdictions:

  • Small: Agencies serving populations of fewer than 50,000
  • Medium: Agencies serving populations 50,000 to 250,000
  • Large: Agencies serving populations of more than 250,000

By distinguishing and rewarding these efforts, the Department strives to promote and sustain its national commitment to policing and to advance proactive policing practices that are fair and effective.

With the Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing, the Office of the Attorney General recognizes that within and across the nation’s more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies, individual officers, and deputies are working hard to keep our communities safe.

The application for nominees can be found at https://www.justice.gov/ag/policing-award.