1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas -

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s ethical lapses are almost as bad as his anti-climate, pro-fossil fuel agenda. In recent weeks, we’ve learned that Pruitt’s billed taxpayers for first class flights, over-inflated his security detail, and received a sweetheart deal on a Washington, D.C. condo from the family member of a fossil fuel industry lobbyist.

Scott Pruitt represents everything that’s gone wrong in Trump’s Washington. It’s time for him to resign.

It’s time for Scott Pruitt to hear from the people. Add your name to my petition if you believe Scott Pruitt should resign.

Our country’s top ethics officer hit the nail on the head when he said, “The success of our government depends on maintaining the trust of the people we serve.” Scott Pruitt has broken that trust with his frivolous spending on the taxpayer’s dime, and he needs to be held accountable.

Not only did Pruitt live large on public funds – he reportedly punished EPA staff who raised concern over his unethical actions, abusing his power even further.

No one should be able to get away with ripping off the American people. Add your name to demand Scott Pruitt resign from the EPA as soon as possible.


Eric Schneiderman
