NRATV is the gun lobby’s propaganda arm.It spreads dangerous misinformation and inflammatory, racist rhetoric to
further the NRA’s “guns everywhere” agenda. And it’s brought to you by Apple, Amazon, Google and Roku, which
help amplify the NRA’s extremist voice by offering NRATV on their
Since the Parkland shooting, thanks to activism from CREDO members and
people all over the country, the NRA has been under relentless attack.
Polling after the Parkland shooting showed record high support for gun
control as well as a growing belief that the NRA’s policies are
bad for the country.1 Corporations are abandoning their NRA partnerships in droves.2
Now is the time to go after the NRA from every angle. That’s why we are joining with our friends at Everytown for Gun
Safety to increase the pressure on NRATV providers. The more of us who
raise our voices, the stronger our pressure will be.
Sign the petition: Tell Apple, Amazon, Google and Roku: Dump NRATV.
NRATV promotes dangerous conspiracy theories, racially charged rhetoric
and violent demonization of the NRA's political opponents.3 Their hosts and guests have recently compared their political opponents
to Nazis and ISIS, seemed to advocate for violence against peaceful protesters,
demonized the Black Lives Matter movement and relentlessly attacked the
media. After Parkland, NRATV hosts and guests “spoke chillingly
of leftist plots to confiscate weapons, media conspiracies to brainwash
Americans into supporting gun control and a “deep state” campaign
to undermine President Trump.”4
There is no question that the NRA is to blame for our country’s
gun violence epidemic. There is also no question that our activism is
closing the gap between their power and ours.
Part of our power is consumer power, and now is the time to use it.
Streaming services like Apple, Amazon, Google and Roku need to know that
we expect them to make ethical decisions about the content they provide
on their platforms. They also need to get the message loud and clear that
we will hold them accountable if they continue to promote the dangerous
extremism that comes from NRATV.
Sign the petition to tell Apple, Amazon, Google and Roku: Dump NRATV.
Thanks for helping us stand up to the NRA,
Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets
- Quinnipiac Poll, "U.S. Support For Gun Control Tops 2-1, Highest Ever, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Let Dreamers Stay, 80 Percent Of Voters Say," Feb. 20, 2018
- Kira Lerner and Josh Israel, "The NRA is being supported by these companies," ThinkProgress, Feb. 20, 2018
- Cydney Hargis, "A guide to NRATV: NRA's news outlet is a hybrid of Breitbart and Infowars," Media Matters, Mar. 2, 2018.
- Jeremy W. Peters and Katie Benner, "Where the N.R.A. Speaks First and Loudest," The New York Times, Feb. 21, 2018