It's official, the super rich are trolling the shit out of us.
The newly leaked
Paradise Papers essentially gives us the playbook for how rich folk stay rich by stashing
and stowing away their money in offshore accounts. Why? This keeps the
money in the hands of the "very wealthy" and allows them an
out from taxes that the average American has to pay.
Demand that Trump and his buddies end the tax scams and loopholes that
only serve to make the rich richer and harm the general public.
You might be wondering how Trump plans to fund all these tax breaks to
the already very, ridiculously rich. You guessed it, he'll be slashing
funding for Medicare, Medicaid and education that's so desperately
needed. Seriously? What type of messed up bizarro Robin Hood type of shit is this?
This is literally taking money and services away from the most poor to
give more money to the rich.
Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are already backing this hideous scam of
a tax plan. We're running out of time and need your help now.
Sign the petition to tell Congress that protecting rich individuals and
corporations at the expense of everyday Americans struggling to get by
is unacceptable and immoral.
Keep fighting,
Kelli Soto, Daily Kos
Participating Organizations:
Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund
Courage Campaign
CPD Action
Daily Kos
Demand Progress
Democracy for America
EPI Policy Center
People Demanding Action
People For the American Way
People’s Action
Tax March
The Nation
Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.