1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


There is very little in life more frustrating than voting for Republicans who promise to repeal Obamacare, then break their word once we have a Republican President to sign the bill.

Nevada Senator Dean Heller was one of six Senators to vote for repeal in 2015 and against it in 2017.

Senator Heller voted for the repeal of Obamacare in 2015 when Obama was President, but when that same bill came up for a vote last week he voted against it. He campaigned as if he was for the repeal of Obamacare. Now it’s clear he has sold his soul to the liberals and moderates in Washington.

It shouldn’t be surprising given that Dean Heller was one of the original “Never Trumpers” who helped Hillary Clinton win Nevada.

I know you know that we need to hold liberal Republican Senators like Dean Heller accountable for their actions. But let me tell you a little about myself.

My name is Danny Tarkanian, and I announced on Fox News this morning that I am running as a conservative challenger to Dean Heller in the Republican U.S. Senate Primary in Nevada.

I will be the TRUE conservative for Nevada, and for our country.

I ran for Congress in 2016 and I lost by 1%. The political operatives in Washington D.C. told me to distance myself from Donald Trump, but I wasn’t willing to do it. I was loyal to Donald Trump then, and I am loyal to President Trump today. I don’t regret it for a minute.

We need more United States Senators who will stand up for our President’s America First policies and repeal Obamacare, defund sanctuary cities, build the wall, and support the economic policies that have led to a 20% increase in the stock market since President Trump took office. It's called teamwork.

I learned the value of teamwork in playing basketball at UNLV for my late father, Jerry Tarkanian. He taught me that even when you miss a shot, you come back the next game and play just as hard - even harder if you can - to help your team win.

Richard, I have received hundreds of emails, texts, and calls from Republicans like yourself who are angered by Dean Heller turning his back on conservatives and on our President. I am angered, too.

We don’t have any time to waste.

Conservatives in Nevada call him “D.C. Dean Heller” because he changed his ways once he got to Washington D.C. He now votes with the liberals in our party, even though he campaigned as a conservative.

Dean Heller campaigned in Nevada on a platform of repealing Obamacare in 2012.

Dean Heller voted for a clean Obamacare repeal in 2015.

Dean Heller was one of the U.S. Senators who voted against THE SAME REPEAL BILL in 2017.

Well, D.C. Dean Heller turned his back on us. He turned his back on Republicans. He turned his back on the President. He turned his back on conservatives. Now it’s time to send D.C. Dean Heller a message.

I hope you’ll send D.C. Dean Heller a message by supporting my campaign to replace him in the United States Senate.

Your immediate support will show D.C. Dean Heller that you’re tired of the lies. That you stand by President Trump and true conservatives like Senator Mike Lee, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Rand Paul who will repeal Obamacare.

I am unapologetic in my support for President Trump, and I will stand firm for America First policies.

I will continue to stand up for President Trump’s America First policies in 2018 and we are going to defeat Dean Heller in the primary and elect a real conservative.

Richard, we all lost as Americans when Dean Heller broke his word and voted against the repeal of Obamacare. It’s time we do something about it.

It’s time to send D.C. Dean Heller a message.

Please make your most generous donation today, and together we’ll make the change America needs.

For our country.

In Liberty,

Danny Tarkanian
Candidate for U.S. Senate

PS: We need to show immediate financial support to send a message to D.C. Dean Heller and the elites in both parties. Please make a donation today, tweet your support, and post something positive on Facebook for your friends. Let’s send Heller a message, today.

