1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Some things transcend political party. That’s why Trailblazers PAC works so hard toward honest government.

You may have caught me and the Republican Town Supervisor in Big Flats together on “Capital Tonight” last week. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

As a Democrat and a Republican, he and I don’t agree on every policy. In fact, we disagree on a lot. But you’ll see in that interview that neither of us cares for an American leader saying folks marching under a Nazi flag are very fine people. And we agree that our leaders should come to the table to debate the issues, not divide us.

If we can’t talk to each other when the stakes are low, it gets a lot harder when the stakes are high. That’s why Trailblazers PAC is bringing Front Porch Politics to local town and county races coming up all across New York and Pennsylvania in just a few months, November 7, 2017.

Candidates for local office in Otsego County listen as Trailblazers PAC President and Founder delivers a training in Oneonta, NY on grassroots fundraising and messaging.

At Trailblazers PAC, we stand with candidates who stand for getting politics out of the back room and onto the front porch. Our candidates believe that government decisions start with voters’ voices, and voters deserve clean government.

We are truly proud of the more than 500 candidates and supporters who have participated in our workshops this year. And we’re proud that the candidates Trailblazers PAC supports with matching funds have worked hard to build their own campaigns through in-district small-dollar fund-raising.

None of this would be possible without the help of people like you -- people who stepped up to invest in a future where voters’ voices are louder than angry divides.

Please help us by clicking here and donating to Trailblazers PAC, so that we can keep on supporting candidates who are changing politics with us, one front porch at a time.


PS. Please take a moment to visit our new website here and to Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and share how you #ActLocally.
