Today marks President Trump's 100th day in office.
And what a first 100 days it's been.
Trump kicked off his presidency by reinstating the global gag rule, which blocks federal funding for any international aid organization that even discusses abortion, let alone provides it. He tried to force Congress to pass "Trumpcare," which would have kicked tens of millions of women off health insurance and gutted maternity care. Then he appointed anti-choice judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. And just recently, he signed a law opening the door for states to defund Planned Parenthood.
We need to be READY for whatever attack on women's rights comes next.
Donate before midnight tomorrow to stand up to President Trump and support the pro-choice Democratic women holding him accountable at every turn.
The good news is that our women are showing no signs of letting up.
Rep. Stephanie Murphy, a first-term House member and first-generation American whose family escaped Vietnam after the fall of Saigon, has stood up to Trump's harmful refugee orders.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren refused to give up when silenced; she persisted and spoke out against Jeff Sessions' nomination to be attorney general.
And Rep. Maxine Waters has become a powerful face of the resistance by calling for an independent investigation into the Trump campaign's Russia ties.
Donald Trump may have made attacking women one of his top priorities during his first 100 days, but with women like these in Congress, we know that there will be a chorus of voices pushing back every. single. time.
Donate before midnight tomorrow to help meet our $150,000 End-of-Month fundraising goal and support the women standing up to the Trump administration:
Kate Black
Chief of Staff, EMILY's List