As we mark 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency, it’s time to take stock of some campaign promises he’s made:
Lucas --
As we mark 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency, it’s time
to take stock of some campaign promises he’s made:
“I’m going to drain the swamp”?
Not with a cabinet full of billionaires and conflicts of interest.
“Insurance for everybody”?
Trumpcare failed because it ripped away health care for millions.
“Buy American and Hire American”?
Another unfulfilled promise to working people.
And why all the failed promises? That’s because as soon as President
Trump was elected, he made a deal with the hard right and wealthy special
interest allies to let them run the show.
President Trump’s made clear what promises he’ll break to help
the rich and powerful. Now it’s our turn to show how the American
people will hold their President accountable.
Chip in $1 in honor of Trump’s first 100 days -- imagine his reaction
when he sees thousands of donations made in his name to support Senate
We’ve fought back each and every one of the GOP’s dangerous
policies, from their disastrous health care bill to President Trump’s
unconstitutional Muslim ban.
We’ve lit up Capitol switchboards, stood shoulder to shoulder at
airports, and marched in droves to send a message of how many are opposing
Republicans’ extreme demands.
Standing together has given our resistance strength and momentum -- but
if President Trump’s first 100 days are any indicator, we can expect
more fights on our hands soon that need us all engaged.
So let’s mark Trump’s 100 days with support for Senate Democrats
who go to the mat for our values. Chip in $1 right now:
Thank you,