A.G. Schneiderman Announces Hotline For Voters To Ensure Ballot Access During Statewide General Elections
Attorney General Addresses Barriers To The Ballot Box By Offering Voters A Statewide Election Day Hotline
NEW YORK –Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman will operate a statewide Election Day Hotline during the general election this Tuesday, November 3rd. Voters encountering barriers to access at their polling sites can report those issues to the Attorney General’s Office by calling the hotline at 800-771-7755, or by emailing the office at civil.rights@ag.ny.gov. The Hotline will be available from 6:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. on Election Day.
“The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, and every eligible voter must be able to participate meaningfully in our electoral process," said Attorney General Schneiderman. “My office will not tolerate any barriers that hinder eligible New Yorkers from casting an effective ballot during Tuesday’s election.”
Polls open at 6:00 A.M. and close at 9:00 P.M in all counties across the state.
The Attorney General’s Civil Rights Bureau has operated the statewide Election Day Hotline since November 2012. In that time the Bureau has fielded hundreds of calls and worked with dozens of Boards of Elections across the state to address barriers at polling sites throughout New York state, including reports pertaining to polling site accessibility for voters with disabilities, language accessibility for non-English speaking voters, voter intimidation and other ballot access issues.
The Attorney General’s Election Day Hotline is being led by Assistant Attorney General Ajay Saini of the Civil Rights Bureau, which is led by Bureau Chief Kristen Clarke. The Social Justice Division is led by Executive Deputy Attorney General Alvin Bragg.