FTC, DOJ to Host Second Public Workshop on Examining U.S. Health Care Competition
The Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division will jointly host the second workshop in the series, Examining Health Care Competition , on February 24-25, 2015, in the Constitution Center Auditorium located at 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20024.The workshop will study recent developments related to health care provider organization and payment models, with an emphasis on how they may affect competition in the provision of health care services. Topics, discussed in greater detail in the Federal Register Notice, will include: early observations regarding accountable care organizations and health insurance exchanges; alternatives to traditional fee-for-service payment models; trends in provider consolidation; and trends in provider network and benefit design strategies, as well as contracting practices and regulatory activity that may enhance or undermine these strategies.
The workshop will be webcast live on the FTC’s web site. Registration information, an agenda, directions to the FTC Conference Center, and a list of speakers will be available in the near future on the event web page. Advance registration is not required, but strongly encouraged.
Public comments will be accepted through April 30, 2015. Suggested comment topics, and instructions about how to submit comments online and by mail, can be found in the Federal Register notice.
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities who wish to attend the workshop in person are available upon advance request. Requests should be submitted via email to lkittleson@ftc.gov or by calling Lara Kittelson at 202-326-3388. Please include a detailed description of the accommodation needed and provide contact information. The Commission vote approving the Federal Register notice announcing the workshop was 5-0.
The FTC’s Office of Policy Planning works with the Commission and its staff to develop long-range competition and consumer policy initiatives, consistent with the FTC’s unique mission to conduct research and engage in advocacy on issues that affect competition, consumers, and the U.S. economy. The Office of Policy Planning submits advocacy filings; conducts research and studies; organizes public workshops; issues reports; and advises staff on cases raising new or complex policy and legal issues. To reach the Office of Policy Planning, send an e-mail to opp@ftc.gov.