A meeting of the RPLS Landlord and Tenant Committee will be held:
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Time: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. (dinner will be provided)
Place: Newman Ferrara LLP, 1250 Broadway 27
th Floor, NYC
Topic: Litigating Yellowstone Actions
Honorable Margaret Chan, Supreme Court, New York County, NYC
David B. Rosenbaum, Esq., Borah Goldstein Altschuler Nahins & Goidel, P.C., NYC
Lucas A. Ferrara, Esq., Newman Ferrara LLP, NYC
CLE Credits: This program provides 2.0 credit hours in professional practice and is non-transitional for newly-admitted attorneys.
This meeting is free to members of the Real Property Law Section’s Landlord and Tenant Committee. If you would like to invite others to attend, join the RPLS for $40 (NYSBA membership required), and then join the committee for free, and register for the meeting for free. Join the Section online, or call 1(800)542-2452.
If you have any special dietary requirements or food requests, please advise by the RSVP deadline below.
To allow for proper security entrance and quantities for catering and materials, please reply to this e-mail to Amy Jasiewicz at: ajasiewicz@nysba.org.