Please join
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
for champagne and conversation at her
Spring Gala Celebration
Thursday, April 24th, 2014
6:00 PM VIP Reception
7:00 PM Champagne Reception
The Water Club
The East River between 29th and 32nd Street
New York City
Please join the Host Committee and have your name listed:
__ Chair $5,200 __ Host $2,600 __ Sponsor $1,000
Chairs & Hosts are invited to the VIP Reception with the Congresswoman.
Please RSVP to Darren Rigger at darren@dynamicsrg.com
Or if you have questions, please call (212)531-2858
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Carolyn for Congress
24 East 93rd Street, Suite 4B,New York, NY 10128
Or contribute online at: