1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas --

With House Republicans, every day feels like Groundhog Day. Not content to shut the government down over Obamacare, it seems like every day brings a new vote to try and dismantle the program.

That's why we are so thankful that you stood up last week when we were facing our FEC deadline. We exceeded our goals, and that will go a heck of a long way to ensuring that we can hold the Tea Party accountable.

But we've got to break this endless Tea Party Groundhog Day cycle. Will you help spread the word by sharing this new graphic we created?

We need to keep standing up to the Tea Party so we need to stop them for good. That is where you come in. Can you click here and share the graphic on Facebook?

Thanks for standing up,

Stop The Tea Party
