1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


New York City Trial Lawyers 2014 Judge's Cocktail Party

2014 Winter "Judge's" Cocktail Party

Its not too late to join us on March 12th and help the "Alliance" of defense counsel, plaintiffs' counsel and judiciary have a pleasant evening, as we all start to look forward to having this snowy winter come to an end.

Where: Bobby Van's Grill, 25 Broad Street (downstairs), New York, N.Y

When:March 12th 2014 - 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

~ Open bar and hors d'oeuvres ~

Attorneys & their guests: $100/p.p.

Attorneys admitted 5 yrs. or less: $50/p.p.

Vendors: $125/p.p.

[Make checks payable to:New York City Trial Lawyers]

Please RSVP by March 7th, 2014 & send checks to:

D. Carl Lustig, III

c/o Ayre Lustig & Sassower

20 Vesey Street, Suite 1010

New York, NY 10007

(212) 732-4992 or


Party Co-Chairs: James A. Edwards & D. Carl Lustig, III
