Got this message from Oliver Koppell (pictured left):
It is with great pride and much gratitude that I have received the enthusiastic endorsement of The New York Times Editorial Board for my campaign to unseat rogue Democrat incumbent Jeffrey Klein in the September 9th Primary. There is no more important endorsement for candidates running for local and State offices here in New York.
“State Senate District 34 (parts of the Bronx and Westchester): Senator Jeffrey Klein is facing a primary challenge this year largely because he led a disruptive power grab in Albany that gave Republicans veto power over some of the state’s most important issues. Mr. Klein and several other state senators created the Independent Democratic Conference, which broke away from the Democrats almost four years ago. Their defection hobbled the Democrats while giving Mr. Klein a new title (temporary president of the State Senate) and more ability to raise campaign funds. His alliance with the Republicans resulted in the failure to approve public financing of campaigns and stronger protections for women.
Mr. Klein’s challenger is Oliver Koppell, a former City Council member and one of New York’s most experienced public servants. Mr. Koppell would spend his time working for New Yorkers, not for himself. As a former Assembly member and briefly the state’s attorney general, he is by far the better candidate. We enthusiastically support Mr. Koppell in this district.”