Urge Gov. Cuomo to Sign the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act Into Law!
Individuals with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia may require assistance from a guardian, particularly when no advance directives exist. Differing systems of adult guardianship throughout the nation complicate matters as state courts attempt to determine jurisdiction. The Uniform Law Commission created the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act (UAGPPJA) to address these jurisdictional problems. UAGPPJA establishes a uniform set of rules for determining jurisdiction, and thus simplifies the process for determining jurisdiction among multiple states in adult guardianship cases. It also establishes a framework that allows state court judges in different states to communicate with each other about adult guardianship cases.
The New York State Assembly and Senate both passed this bill unanimously this sprice. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has yet to sign the bill, which would provide an easier path for families dealing with adult guardianship issues.
Please contact Gov. Cuomo using our special Uniform Adult Guardianship action center and ask him to sign the bill into law. If you have undertaken a guardianship proceeding in the past, we have left space for you to tell your story and lend your experience to the cause.
Take action today and let Gov. Cuomo know how important this issue is to you and the 320,000 New York families touched by Alzheimer's disease.
Cathy James & Elaine Sproat
Coalition of New York State Alzheimer's Association Chapters