Dear Lucas–
Young gets it done!
I borrow this saying from our friends at the Manhattan Young Dems because I really believe it. The future of our city will be determined by a new generation of leaders who will take New York in a new direction.
That's why I'm so proud to be the choice of the New York Young Democrats who supported me in last night's straw poll.
Young Democrats are supporting our campaign because they want a Public Advocate with the experience and commitment to take on powerful interests on behalf of everyday New Yorkers. As a City Councilwoman, I fought against repealing term limits, passed legislation to crackdown on deceptive limited-care health clinics that denied women reproductive choices, and fought for affordable housing and tenants' rights.
With your help, we will win this campaign so I can bring the same passion to the Office of the Public Advocate.
But we can't do it without your support. Can you make a small donation of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford? (Remember – every dollar under the first $175 is matched 6 to 1 by the City's public financing program).
Thanks for your support,