1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Who’s On First? — Sharing an Evening with Legends

Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 19, 2013
Hotel Bel-Air, Los Ange­les, California

We are excited to announce that on Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 19th 2013, Ali & Joe Torre will be host­ing Who’s On First?, an event ben­e­fit­ing the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foun­da­tion at the Hotel Bel-Air, Los Ange­les, California.

This once-in-a-lifetime event will fea­ture some of Sport’s Great­est Leg­ends: Bob Costas, Bob Gib­son, Willie Mays, Kareem Abdul Jab­bar and Joe Torre. We hope you will join us for an evening of mem­o­ries, reflec­tion, wis­dom and inspi­ra­tion with these leg­ends. The evening will include a cock­tail recep­tion and din­ner, along with an auction.

All pro­ceeds will ben­e­fit the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foun­da­tion and its goal of expand­ing its com­pre­hen­sive, in-school pro­gram, Margaret’s Place, in Los Ange­les and edu­cat­ing youth to end the cycle of domes­tic violence.

To reserve your ticket, or for spon­sor­ship infor­ma­tion, please con­tact Joce­lyn Toner at (310) 570‑4523 or e-mail jocelyn@joetorre.org

LA Din­ner 2013 — Spon­sor­ship Oppor­tu­ni­ties
LA Din­ner 2013 — Pledge form

Click here to view details and pho­tos from last year’s Los Ange­les event!
