Small Law Firm Luncheon
Thursday, February 16, 2012 12:30 pm-2:00 pm
Non City Bar Member Price : $50.00 Register
NYC Bar Member Price : $35.00 Register
Electronic data and email are a part of our daily business. How can we preserve attorney-client privilege and maintain client confidentiality, when transferring data via social media, e-mail correspondence, or storing client information in the cloud, whether through business, personal or public computers or electronic devices. This program will explore these issues and also cover "Forensic best practices" when a forensic expert is needed and when they are not.
Mark A. Josephson, Esq., CPA, CFP, CFE, Murray & Josephson, CPAs, LLC
Michael Cardello III, Esq, Partner, Moritt Hock Hamroff & Horowitz LLP; Greg Cancilla, EnCE, Director of Forensics, RVM Inc
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Registration by February 9th is necessary.
The fee, which includes lunch, is $35 for members; $50 for non-members.
Event Location: 42 West 44th St. (bet. 5th & 6th Ave.)