Two Black Women Get The Ass Beating They Deserve!
Dear Friends:
I just love this video.
I am a firm believer in Justice.
Some people are able to get their Justice on the spot, others like myself have to wait for others to do it for them at a later date (oh well that's life).
On Thursday, Rayon McIntosh, a cashier at McDonald's is video taped on a cell phone using a metal rod to beat two Black female customers (of which one of them looks like a man) who after slapping him in the face jumped the counter of his West 3rd Street restaurant to try to continue their attack on him but instead got their asses kicked.
The cashier, Rayon McIntosh who police said had previously served a decade for manslaughter, beat the women so badly that one suffered a fractured skull and broken arm, which was captured on a customer's cell phone and then posted to YouTube.
Please view video on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tFvPKHABgk
I plan to work with others to help raise funds to establish a legal defense fund for Rayon McIntosh.
As the father of girls, I can tell you that if these were my daughters they would have got just what they deserved.
I was very happy to see those woman get the beat down they deserved.
I would have done the same thing if not worst!
Please contact me if you would like to join the effort to help Rayon McIntosh.
Thomas Lopez-Pierre