Spring Dinner/Dance
Civic Inspiration Award: Kate Lear
Creative Inspiration Award: Sonia Manzano
The Plaza, Grand Ballroom
Fifth Avenue & Central Park South
Monday, April 11, 2011
7pm cocktails, 7:45pm dinner
Honorary Chair
Norman Lear
Event Chairs
Katie Couric, Kenneth Langone, Sir Howard Stringer
Dinner Chairs
Jody & John Arnhold, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Ronnie Davis, Jonathan LaPook, Lyn Lear, David Perez & Milena Alberti
Vice Chairs
Lois & Roland Betts, Nora Ephron & Nick Pileggi, Edward & Susan Forst, John & Christy Mack,
Mehmet & Lisa Oz, Maritza & Richard Williamson
Chair, Past Honorees Committee
Vin Cipolla
Benefiting the Ballet Hispanico Company, School of Dance, and Education & Outreach program.
A portion of your contribution is tax deductible.
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