1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001



By now you've probably heard about Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity on Saturday, October 30, in Washington, D.C.

Enter Public Citizen's "What Sign Should I Bring to Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity?" contest.

Your slogan could be seen up and down the National Mall on October 30!

The event's official Facebook page indicates that more than 100,000 people have already committed to attend. Makes us wish we had our own daily national television show! (Honestly, we'd settle for our own monthly local television show.)

Stewart characterizes the rally as a "call to reasonableness" and a gathering of the "busy majority" who eschew sloganeering and extremism. He seems particularly concerned about people bringing over-the-top or mean-spirited signs to the event.

Public Citizen plans to distribute signs at the rally to promote our message of fighting corporate power and holding government accountable to the people. What could be more reasonable?

Enter our contest and your slogan could appear on the signs Public Citizen brings to the Jon Stewart rally!


Submit as many slogan suggestions as you can come up with. Have fun. Be clever. Be a good speller.

Public Citizen's Online Action Team

P.S. Spread the word about the contest. Forward this email to your friends and "like" us on Facebook today!
