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Did you see what Karl Rove said about Barbara Boxer yesterday?
Rove was in Fresno during a stop on his book tour on Tuesday, talking about his role as the "architect" of the Bush/Cheney administration. Then, turning to the Senate race in California, Rove called Barbara an "obnoxious left-wing ideologue who doesn't deliver for California."
Come on. I'm used to overblown rhetoric from right-wing operatives, but this is crazy. Rove is resorting to his old playbook -- trying to undermine his opponent's greatest strength -- because he knows that Barbara Boxer has a long and impressive record of delivering real results for the people of California. And if you're wondering about "obnoxious ideologues" ... well, just Google "Karl Rove."
These are the kinds of attacks that Barbara Boxer is getting every day, because Karl Rove and the right wing have made this race one of their top targets -- and we need your help to fight back.
Can you contribute $5 now -- and show Karl Rove that we've got Barbara's back?
With just 15 hours to go until tonight's midnight fundraising deadline, I'm excited to say that we have just reached our $250,000 grassroots goal -- which is so amazing!
But now we need to show Karl Rove what Boxer supporters are made of. So let's stretch ourselves, add $50,000 to our grassroots fundraising goal, and reach a huge target of $300,000 total before midnight.
What do you say? Your contribution, right now, can help us make it.
Reaching this ambitious goal will send the press, pundits, and Barbara's opponents a powerful message about the strength of our support. We know why Karl Rove is singling out Barbara Boxer as a target -- because she's an effective advocate for policies to move our country forward, and repair the damage of eight long years of the Bush administration.
With the polls tightening, it will be a huge shot in the arm for Barbara Boxer to know that you're standing with her in this tough fight.
And it will show Karl Rove that, as he is about SO many other things, he's just plain wrong about Barbara.
Thanks so much for your help -- especially with just 15 hours to go before tonight's midnight deadline.
Rose Kapolczynski
Campaign Manager
Boxer for Senate