1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Oli Fein MD, Len Rodberg PhD,

Karen Ballard RN, FAAN, Linda Prine MD,

Carol Schneebaum MD, Sidney Socolar PhD,

Neal Hundt and
 Jim Dean of Democracy for America

 plus many other friends in the Metro area healthcare community invite you to meet




Committee on Agriculture

Committee on Armed Services

Committee on Homeland Security


Monday, March 1, 2010



At Jacques Rosas Studio Loft

442 West 49th Street

New York, NY 10019


From Dr. Rodberg: "Eric Massa, elected to the Congress in 2008 for the first time from a rural district in Western New York State, has become one of the foremost advocates for single payer national health care this year. Together with John Conyers and Dennis Kucinich, he was present to lead every event organized by Physicians for a National Health Program and the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care. And, when it came time for the Congress to vote, Eric Massa was one of just two progressive Democrats - the stalwart Dennis Kucinich was the other - to vote against the House health care bill because it failed to provide real reform of our crumbling health care system.




To donate online, please click here.



RSVP to Jacqui Samuels 917-974-9373 or jsamuels@massaforcongress.com


From Congressman Massa:

Dear Friends in the New York Metro area,

I have been invited by Drs. Oli Fein, Len Rodberg, Linda Prine, Carol Schneebaum, Karen Ballard and Sidney Socolar as well as Neal Hundt and Jim Dean, chair of Democracy for America to join you at the loft of Jacques Rosas in Manhattan on Monday, March 1st.

For those of you who may not know me - my race for 2010 in New York's 29th district is one of the top five most targeted House races this coming year. And here is my dilemma: An issue that has put me at odds with my Party this past year is my stance against the Health Care bill. You can view my recent appearance on The Ed Show speaking about Health Care Reform by clicking here. I have been an advocate for single payer health care from the beginnings of my campaign in 2006 and I hope to talk to you more about this on March 1st.
As to the wars in which we are engaged, as I said on Hardball , I believe there are more effective ways than war to face down the threat of international terrorism--but this places me at odds with the leadership of my own Party and can mean that fundraising supported by that leadership may lessen. This is the cost of independence. My refusal to succumb to the pressures is a chance that, as an independent voice in Congress, I must take. I pledge to you that I will not "say anything" to be elected.

These esteemed health professionals and progressive thinkers have decided to host this event to support the media battles come next spring and summer. If you desire a Congress that is free of the corrosive influence of special interests, quid-pro-quo "donations", and "Party Line" demands, I ask for your help now.   I ask that you support our mutual goals by joining me in New York City on March 1st or if you cannot join us, by making a contribution today.


Thank you for considering support for my campaign.




Congressman Eric Massa






At the loft of

Jacques Rosas

442 West 49th Street, New York, NY 10019

Monday, March 1, 2010

RSVP to: jsamuels@massaforcongress.com


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