To: REBNY Members
Date: November 23, 2009
Re: Real Property Tax Rates FY 2010
The City Council recently adopted real property tax rates for fiscal year 2010, which began July 1, 2009. Here are the 2010 tax rates by class.
Tax Class Tax Rate
Class 1 17.088
Class 2 13.241
Class 3 12.743
Class 4 10.426
Please note that the tax bills issued for the first half of fiscal year 2010 (July 2009 through December 2009) were based on the fiscal year 2009 tax rates.
As a result, your second half tax bill will be based on the recently adopted fiscal year 2010 tax rates and will include an adjustment for any overpayment or underpayment in the first half of the year.
Please contact Michael Slattery at ( ) or 212-616-5207) with any questions.
Steven Spinola